5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides


If you’ve ever seen a well-muscled bodybuilder, you probably noticed that his rib cage’s sides caught your attention. You could make out what appeared to be fingers wrapped around his stomach there. These are the frequently disregarded intercostal and serratus anterior muscles. 5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides

What makes these muscles so crucial? Well, first and foremost, they highlight your physique and give your body the finishing touches, which is useful whether you’re competing or conducting a picture session.

Second, the downward arcing of the arms and movements requiring rotation of the upper body depend on these muscles. Both of these motions have significant sporting and everyday applications.

I can only show you some exercises to fine-tune your fingerlike projections at this point. Here is a short list to expand your toolkit. If you get too ripped, the ladies at the gym won’t be able to control themselves.


To complete this drill, a cable machine is required. Use a rope or a straight rotating bar. 5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides

Place the bar at its highest setting and place your feet about hip-width apart while standing. Put your thumbs on top of the bar and take an overhand grip. When your arms are parallel to the floor, press down on the bar. By now, you should be facing some opposition.

One continuous, fluid action should be used to lower the bar all the way to your thighs. Hold for a second, then gradually raise the bar until your arms are parallel to the floor once more. Your midway is there. Repeat the entire workout a number of times.

Do this exercise on your knees for a variation. You won’t have as much of an opportunity to use momentum that way. 5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides


Dumbbell pullovers are a simple but entertaining workout that simultaneously target your serratus, back, and chest muscles. You can choose between a flat bench and a stability ball for this exercise. For the purposes of this essay, I’ll describe it using the ball; as an extra bonus, you’ll end up engaging more lower body and core muscle fibres.

Holding the dumbbell on your thighs, sit on the ball. Step forward and slowly roll back onto the ball, stopping when your shoulders and the back of your head are resting securely on top. Make sure your legs and shoulders are in a straight line. 5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides

Put both weighted ends of the dumbbell in your hands and raise them straight above your chest. To keep the dumbbell vertical, maintain a relaxed grasp on the weight. In an arcing motion, lower it back behind your head and towards the ground.

When your rib cage’s sides feel properly stretched, stop. Repeat by lifting the weight back up to its initial position. To relieve the strain on your joints, keep the dumbbell vertical at all times and keep your elbows slightly bent.


Since the more muscles you stimulate during this exercise, the more ripped you’ll look, I advise employing the stability ball as well. To perform around the worlds, you will also need a pair of lighter dumbbells. 5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides

In the same position that you would be in for pullovers, lie face up on the ball. With your arms fully extended and palms up, hold a pair of light dumbbells at your sides and bring them straight back behind your head. Keep your arms equidistant from the floor.

With your palms up, move the weights in a wide circle, stopping until they are directly above your thighs. Hold for a brief moment, then carefully reposition them to the original position and repeat.

With each rep, alternately turn your palms upward and downward above your thighs for a variation. 5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides


5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides

An evil device that obliterates your midsection is the ab wheel. But the enjoyment doesn’t end there; your serratus and intercostal muscles also take a beating. 5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides

Put the wheel directly in front of you with your hands on the handles to begin ab wheel rollouts. Lock your elbows so your arms are fully extended in a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Your back will be protected if you gently indent your pelvis and tighten your abdominals.

Your hips should be down towards the floor as you move the wheel forward. Roll back up to your starting position after extending your arms as far as you can comfortably do so. For a set of reps, repeat. 5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides

Two variations include rolling the wheel in the shape of a “W” on the floor and, for a more difficult exercise, performing rollouts while standing with your legs straight and feet close together. Just be very careful not to trip and smudge your nose in the process!

Recommended reading: How to Perfect the Dumbbell Lateral Raise >>


Have you ever participated in a sporting event that required a lot of sprinting and experienced extremely sore sides the following day? The main cause of this is that when you violently exhale, your intercostals get a serious workout. Why not perform some planned sprints to completely harden those muscles? Also, I dig that concept!

Start with a 10-minute warm-up jog and then sprint for 20 to 30 seconds as hard as you can. Take a brief, passive rest interval or jog briskly until you regain your breath before resuming your intense effort. Repeat 12 to 15 times, then go for a little cool-down jog to end.

Do your sprints while climbing a hill to really kick up the heat. 5 Key Exercises To Define Your Sides

Closing Comments

The intercostals and serratus anterior are very tiny muscles. You don’t want to overwork them because they are used as stabilisers for workouts with large motions like bench presses and back rows. Keep in mind to save the exercises I’ve listed above for the finish of your session. Naturally, you should perform sprints on different days from your weightlifting sessions or at the end of your workout for a final burnout.

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