Advancement of technology; is there an end to this journey or is there no limit?


Man is progressing in every sphere of life but the advancement in technology in the last few years is incredible, new developments in this field are making it more interesting. Advancement of technology; is there an end to this journey or is there no limit? Advancement of technology

A lot of work done nowadays is now connected with technology. In fact, man cannot imagine living comfortably without technology. Thousands of things, from fans and lights to smartphones and airplanes, have become quite important in his life. Interestingly, every sector of the world is developing with the help of technology.

In other words, every sector is being “upgraded”. Along with this man is also upgrading himself to control all the technological devices that he has created. In the past, there have been reports that humans are working on creating robots that are so intelligent that they can compete with the human brain. However, they have not succeeded in making such a device so far.

Every month several smartphones are launched, new vehicles are coming, technology is being upgraded in every field but as humans have, we ever thought that what we had to achieve, we have achieved, and now humanity needs more technology. do not have? This can be thought but it cannot be practiced because it is not in the nature of man to sit still after achieving one thing. He keeps searching for something better. His journey to get better continues.

This is the reason why significant developments are taking place in the field of technology. New devices and thinking have provided us with many facilities. In such a case, the question arises whether the journey of technology will ever end? Or does it have no limits? As humans progress, technology will also become more advanced. Will technology become so dangerous for humans in the future that it will be difficult for humans to live in the world? Read the answers to similar questions in the columns below. Advancement of technology

Will the technology journey end?

Definitely not! Chances are that technological progress may slow down temporarily, but it will never stop. A clear example of this is the number of patents filed during and after the global recession of 2008. During this period more or less two and a half lakh items were patented. That is, since 2000, man has become more active in the field of technology than before. This is the reason why we are seeing new developments in this field. Advancement of technology

  1. Today, no company after launching a new product stops its production but keeps introducing new versions and upgrades with more features. For example, Apple’s journey from the first iPhone to the iPhone 14. Was Apple satisfied with just the smartphone? No. It also launched the iPad, and then made several versions of it as well. This is the case with almost every company. They do not limit themselves to a single product but keep changing it by taking the pulse of the consumers. So, tech companies need to constantly introduce new technologies to keep themselves alive, or else they will disappear. Advancement of technology
  2. Investors who invest in technology expand the field of technology. Drones, which were earlier made only for military use, are now being used by the public as well. Due to these investors, many tech start-ups have been born which are quite active in the field of technology. Investors will not stop investing in this sector, nor will the technology journey end. Advancement of technology
  3. Today there are thousands of companies in the world that are not manufacturing any product but are doing research and development (R&D) on a large scale. Their purpose is to conduct research so that they can sell it to tech companies and the companies can create technological products according to customer demand and upgrade existing products if needed. For example, a car manufacturing company launched a car in 1980. of After that he did not stop the production of the car but took the help of the R&D company to understand the psychology of the customers and launch a better car in the market next year or add some new features to the old car and introduce its new model. Advancement of technology

Robots, computer algorithms, artificial intelligence

In the present era, new developments are taking place in these three fields. Robots are being equipped with artificial intelligence. Sophia is an example of this. Experts say that if artificial intelligence is further refined and applied to modern robots, these robots will be able to work just like humans. Advancement of technology

Keep in mind that there are many places in the world (or in natural disasters) where it is difficult for humans to reach. However, robots can reach these locations. For example, people trapped in the rubble of buildings destroyed by an earthquake. Humans may be delayed in removing the debris, but powerful robots can not only remove the debris quickly but also provide immediate medical aid to the trapped humans. Advancement of technology

Computer algorithms are used in the share market in which the investor makes a decision based on the rising and falling share prices. The computer then guesses which decision a particular human has made on which share to climb. He then starts giving her advice. A simple example of this is your social media accounts. Depending on the type of pictures and videos you see on them, these platforms tend to serve you similar content.
The development of technology is both beneficial and harmful to humans, but humans have to decide how much they want to benefit from what they have created and which things to avoid. Advancement of technology.

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