Maryam was losing her education due to her illusion then one day. And the environment was cleared.

And the environment was cleared: Ever since Shabbir Sahib was transferred to a small village, he felt that his daughter Nagar was very sad. Even in school, she does not mingle with her classmates but always seems to be alone. On that day, when Maryam’s mother was asked the reason for Maryam’s silence and sadness, she said that our daughter was sad to be separated from her friends. After knowing this, Shabbir thinks of sending Maryam to his grandmother’s house so that he can get a good education. When Maryam came to know that she would now be staying at Nani Jan’s house and studying there, she must have felt estranged from her parents for a moment, but her admission to a good school and her desire to pursue higher education. A smile spread across his face. Even so, she used to spend summer vacations at Nani Jan’s house, so she was familiar with the environment there. Apart from this, Nani Jan was close to some girls living in the neighborhood. On Sunday, Maryam’s father and mother took Maryam to Nani Jan’s town, where they enrolled Maryam in the fourth grade at Maryam Urdu Primary School and left Maryam with Nani Jan. And the environment was cleared.

Maryam decorated his belongings in a room of Nani Jan’s house. Maryam’s maternal uncle died when he was still a child. Two years ago, Nana Jan also became dear to Allah, so Nani Jan was left alone in this long and wide house. She was a very straightforward and moral woman, uneducated and still adhering to old customs and ideas. And the environment was cleared.

The next day, when Maryam got ready to go to school when Nani entered John’s room to greet him, he saw that she was also busy preparing to go with him. As soon as they saw Maryam, they said, “You will not go to school alone, I myself will drop you off at school every day.” And the environment was cleared.

There was only one order in this house… Grandma Jan’s order. There was no other person in the house to whom the complaint could be presented, so the grandmother’s order was obeyed and obeyed. Now she used to go to school with Nani Jan every day and come home with her friends as soon as it was time off. Three months passed in the blink of an eye. One day, when Maryam got ready and went to Nani John’s room, she saw that Nani John was sleeping and her body was burning with fever. He immediately called Shagufta Aunty. Shagufta herself was a doctor and lived in the neighborhood, as soon as she heard the voice of Maryam, she came running. After examining John, he gave the pills he had kept and was about to get up to leave after instructing him to rest, when John held his hand and said, “Son! Until my condition improves, you should send my Maryam to school. I will take him to school myself. And the environment was cleared.

”Son! Maryam, let me drop you off at school. These two had just left the house and came to the corner of the neighborhood street when Maryam saw a cat crossing the road in front of them. When Maryam saw this scene, she was shocked for a moment and pulled her finger from Shagufta’s hand and stood in her place. And the environment was cleared.

Shagufta looked at him in surprise, her smiling face suddenly becoming sad, “Why what happened?” Has a thorn pricked your toe? A cat has just cut our way.”

“Yes, yes, what happened, such animals keep roaming here and there.”

“Aunty, how can I explain to you…. The matter of other animals is different. This is a cat. If it cuts the way, then our going forward is like taking some trouble. If I go to school now, something bad will definitely happen to me.

“So, you won’t go to school today?” Shagufta asked in surprise. “No, Aunty can’t go to school today. Whenever the cat crosses our path, Grandma John brings me back home.” Hearing this, Shagufta laughed loudly, “Well, then you must have had a great vacation like this.” “Yes, yes, why not. If something bad happens, it is better to rest at home. Now look, it was only yesterday that Nani Jan was going to bring milk after dawn. A cat cut their way. But because it was dark, they could not see and moved on. Later, when they realized, they regretted a lot when they came home, but what will happen to regret now? Something bad had to happen to them. Today you saw. I have been in bed since morning and my body is burning with fever. And the environment was cleared.

“Well, that’s why your grandmother has a fever?” asked Shagufta in a confidential manner. “But nothing will happen to you, you will definitely go to school today.” Saying this, Shagufta grabbed Maryam’s hand and started walking.

“But…” cried Maryam. But there is nothing Wiccan. Hey Pagli, it’s all an illusion. Today we are setting milestones in the era of science and technology. Nani Jan’s mind and heart have been covered by the deep darkness of outdated ideas; she is not even educated but you are getting an education. Be sensible too. Do you also support their views? You should think that nothing will happen without Allah’s will. Allah Ta’ala has made us the best of creation, He has given us intelligence, understanding, and grace. All these creatures and things in the world are created for our needs and benefit.

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