The Congress party has not yet made a public announcement regarding the details of Rahul Gandhi’s Yatra (Part 2), but the Yatra is not a surprise. Bharat Jodu Episode 2

The Congress party has not yet made a public announcement regarding the details of Rahul Gandhi’s Yatra (Part 2), but the Yatra is not a surprise. After the successful and successful walking trek from South to North, it was stated that a journey from West to East would be organised for the “Bharat Jodo Yatra” from Kanyakumari to Kashmir. This aim and announcement was also made because, at the time, there were numerous complaints from the people and party workers in the areas where the yatra had not yet finished or in the states where its duration was short, and they were persistently asking that the yatra be completed. travelled by the locations as well. The continuation of the pilgrimage was then guaranteed for the second part. Bharat Jodu Episode 2.

Our information indicates that Rahul’s staff, working under the direction of the Congress leadership, is actively making preparations for the trip. In light of this, the issue of whether Rahul will receive the same response this time as he did in each state, from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, emerges. Bharat Jodu Episode 2.

It will be required to keep in mind the current situation as well as the conditions during the time of the previous journey in order to accomplish this. Elections in Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh were then coming up.

In these two elections, Rahul showed no particular interest. He was only concerned with the Bharat Jodo Yatra, which was exceeding all expectations in each consecutive state. At first, even the Yatra planners and organisers were not sure the Yatra would persevere with such tenacity and would receive such a response, as the Congress itself admitted. As for the opponents, they began ripping hairs in the early phases of the yatra and made fun of themselves by raising the headless foot issue, but it did not alter the yatra organisers’ goals.

The opponents were forced to remain mute as all demographic groups began participating in the Yatra in the interim. Gujarat was a loss for Congress that was unavoidable, and it accepted that loss. He couldn’t help but feel joy at Himachal’s stunning victory, even if something was still lacking. Bharat Jodu Episode 2.

The situation is different from the first Yatra now that the second leg is ready to start. The Congress has gained confidence as a result of its victory in Karnataka. The ecstatic impact of the Bharat Jodu Yatra, according to an analysis by impartial observers, is just one of the many factors that contributed to this triumph. On the other hand, it has happened that the BJP, the central government’s ruling party, has seen a significant decline in popularity in recent months. Bharat Jodu Episode 2.

There was a great deal of dissatisfaction in the public as a result of the women wrestlers’ protest and the lack of action taken against Brij Bhushan Singh. Since the beginning of May when riots broke out in Manipur, especially following the broadcast of an embarrassing video two weeks ago, the fury has not lessened. A motion of no confidence in the administration has been filed in the Parliament as a result of Manipur, albeit the debate has not yet begun.

These circumstances and the atmosphere created in the nation as a result of them favour any positive movement. It therefore appears that Yatra Episode II will be a success in comparison to Episode I.

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