Fat Loss 101, How To Lose Body Fat


Have you recently started bulking and are wondering how to reduce body fat to get that shredded look? Perhaps you’ve tried unsuccessfully to lose weight for years. Or perhaps you’ve lost everything but 10 pounds and your body is proving to be incredibly resistant. Reviewing three essential guidelines for losing body fat can help you identify four errors you’re (likely) making that are preventing you from achieving your fat loss goal. How to lose body fat: fat loss 101

Fat Burning Basics

There are three key guidelines to remember when using Fat Loss 101: How to lose body fat: fat loss 101

1. Use more calories than you consume

It sounds simple, right? simply consume less calories each day than you expend. However, the truth is that this is far but simple. Most of us have office jobs. An hour spent working out won’t make up for eight to nine hours spent sitting down.

Increase your level of activity throughout the day, especially at work. The following ten activities will help you burn more calories:

  • Get up from your desk and walk around once every hour.
  • Parking in the farthest lane
  • Climb the stairs.
  • Mini-workouts can be done during commercials.
  • Start bicycling to work or doing more walking errands
  • During lunch, take a walk
  • A stability ball can be used at a desk.
  • Take a walk
  • Before bed, stretch

2. Nutrition trumps exercise

Yes, exercise is crucial, but eating is where fat reduction really starts. Do you really think you’ll see a difference if you exercise four days a week yet consume more than 3,000 calories of unhealthy food every day? I’m sorry to disappoint you, but it simply won’t happen. You need to have a good meal plan and follow it, whether your goal is to lose weight or simply to tone up.

Start by calculating your daily calorie intake in accordance to your level of activity using a trustworthy calorie counter. Focus on picking natural, healthy foods over processed trash once you have that amount. Do you want to stay on the train rather than leave it? Try meal planning. Once or twice a week, prepare your meals in bulk and store them in plastic containers so they’re ready to reheat when you’re too groggy to cook.

3. More restful sleep, Fat Loss 101, How to Lose Body Fat

It seems illogical, doesn’t it? If you sleep all the time, how can you expect to lose weight? Well, recent research indicates a clear link between weight increase and sleep deprivation. Your body makes more ghrelin, a hormone that controls your appetite, when you don’t get enough sleep. Additionally, your appetite increases when ghrelin levels rise.

Make sure you’re receiving the seven to nine hours of sleep every night that are recommended if you want to lose weight.

4. Causes of Your Weight Gain

Now that you know how to lose body fat, it’s critical to quit making the errors that are impeding your progress. Here are five of the most typical errors people make when attempting to reduce body fat.

Weight gain can be a complex and multifaceted issue, influenced by various factors beyond just diet and exercise. Understanding these underlying causes is the first step towards effective weight management. Let’s delve into the common factors that may contribute to your weight gain.

1. Boring cardio

You’re not doing it right if your cardio day consists of an hour of slow treadmill walking. On rest days, low-intensity exercise is acceptable, but on the day you’re committed to getting your heart rate up, you need to turn it up.

High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, has been shown to accelerate fat loss and calorie burning in a small fraction of the duration of conventional cardio exercises. Excess post oxygen consumption, or EPOC, is a potent after-burn effect of HIIT that has also been demonstrated. Your body will continue to burn calories vigorously for hours after you stop exercising.

Multiple bodyweight complex exercises are performed quickly one after the other during HIIT training. Once all of the repetitions have been performed, you can then take a break. A sample HIIT workout is provided here to get you started:

  • Bodyweight squats: 30
  • Push-ups: 10
  • Jumping lunges: 20
  • Pull-ups: 10
  • Mountain climbers: 30
  • Burpees: 5

2. Drinking too many calories

You are aware of the importance of staying hydrated, yet your preferred beverage may be doing the opposite. We far too frequently choose the beverage that tastes good or has alcohol. Look at the label’s “carbohydrates” section. How much sugar is there?

One of the most prevalent ways that people gain weight unnecessarily is through drinking empty calories. People who eliminate soda out of their diets see weight loss the same week for this reason. But the issue is not limited to soda. Have a morning habit of going to the coffee shop? That delectable frap or PSL is a calorie bomb that will ruin your attempts to lose weight.

Avoid sugar and stick to the essentials: water, coffee, and tea.

Read also: Know This Underrated Holy Grail Of Lean Gains >>


Recently, stress has received a bad rap. All stress is not negative. Exercise, forcing a conversation with a person of the opposite sex, and cramming a study session are all examples of eustress, or positive stress.

Bad stress includes losing your mind in traffic, thinking about your job, and having internal conflicts. You’re not doing your waistline any favours when you’re stressed. Studies have found that sustained exposure to high amounts of the stress hormone cortisol can lead to weight gain and muscular atrophy.

Try mindful meditation, when you spend a few minutes every day sitting in a calm space, closing your eyes, and concentrating on your breathing.


Have you been purchasing those popular fat burners devoid of scientific support? It’s not just you. While full, wholesome meals should be the mainstay of your diet, supplements can boost fat burning and overall weight loss. But the answer isn’t to use a single, highly regarded fat burner. You need a supplement stack if you want to lose weight.

A stack is a collection of supplements designed to help you reach your goals for a lean body and rapid fat loss. A supplement stack, when taken at precise times during the day, can increase your capacity for fat burning and maximise outcomes.

We advise using our cutting stack that targets fat. There are four tried-and-true substances in it that have been shown through research to support fat burning. Along with your purchase, you’ll receive a free guide to cutting and fat loss.

Ready to get shredded?

Which of the aforementioned errors have you been committing? What new habits will you adopt to jump-start your weight loss? Tell us in the comments section below!

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