Gentleness in the language, sweetness in the words, sweetness in the voice


A person’s education and training is a mirror of his morals and his forgiving conscience, through which the personality of a person emerges. Gentleness in the language, sweetness in the words, sweetness in the voice.

Who was Pharaoh? Pharaoh was the one who oppressed the Israelites. Who had killed innumerable new-born children, who had boasted, boasted and boasted, and who had not only committed disbelief and polytheism but had also claimed to be the greatest Lord. When Allah Almighty sent Hazrat Musa (AS) and Hazrat Haroon (AS) to such a disobedient and arrogant Pharaoh to invite them to Islam, He advised them: Do it or fear (my wrath).” (Surah Taha: 44)

Gentleness in the language, sweetness in the words, sweetness in the tone, gentleness in the voice are the mirror of a person’s education and training, his morals and his forgiving conscience. Through them, a person’s personality emerges, shines and becomes an inspiration for others. Someone said what a lovely thing about a person’s style of speech: “A person’s style of speech is something that Because of this, he descends in the heart of the people or descends from the heart of the people. “Soft-spokenness is the jewel of a person’s personality. In Islam, we find the teaching of gentleness and gentleness. Islam wants to see every believer, according to Iqbal, “soft conversation, warm inquiry”. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah, the Exalted, explained the secret of the gathering of the Companions around Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the secret of their love for him, saying: “It was the mercy of Allah, on the basis of which he behaved leniently towards these people.” What did If you (PBUH) were hard-hearted and hard-hearted, they would have dispersed away from you.” (Aal Imran: 159) Created a storm that history has been unable to give an example of.

Hazrat Khabib is on the throne, the stage of death is ahead, and in such a situation, a polytheist of Makkah asks: Khabib, now you too would like Muhammad to take your place and you should be spared. Hazrat Khabib said: Allah knows best, I do not like even a thorn to prick the foot of the Holy Prophet to save my life. Gentleness in the language, sweetness in the words, sweetness in the voice

One of the reasons for the love that Allah the Exalted created for His Beloved (PBUH) in the hearts of the Companions was the gentleness that was an integral part of the Prophet’s (PBUH) personality. The Prophet ﷺ followed this throughout his life and advised others to do the same. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) absolutely did not tolerate that gentleness and soft-spokenness should be left under any circumstances. Then even if the person in front of you has come down to speak ill of you. This famous incident has been mentioned in a hadith in Bukhari and Muslim Sharif. Some of the Jews came to meet him and said (instead of peace be upon him): Peace be upon him. (Sam means death). Hazrat Aisha said (in anger on hearing this): Death is upon you. And may Allah do so with you, do so. He (peace be upon him) urged Hazrat Aisha not to say that. The lesson that has been given to the people of Islam from this incident of Jews is actually the essence of Islamic teachings about soft-spokenness. Because the knowledge of victory that Islam has installed all over the world has a great impact on this style of speech which was going to reach the hearts. A word that was able to win hearts, which repeatedly proved to the world that “He who conquers hearts is the winner of the age” and this was the perfection of the Quranic teachings in which the orders of gentle conversation were issued with great clarity. . For example, Allah Almighty said in the Holy Qur’an: “And to speak good things to people.” Gentleness in the language, sweetness in the words, sweetness in the voice

What is the best style of invitation and preaching which is described in Surah al-Shu’ara? Hazrat Musa goes to Pharaoh’s court. But Pharaoh is not ready to accept the truth in any case. He directly asks about Allah Almighty, is the Lord of the worlds the end? Hazrat Musa (a.s.) says to him that He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in between, if you believe. Now Pharaoh did not have enough sense to give any other argument or to talk in any way. So he got angry and started attacking the personality of Hazrat Musa. He said to the people around him: Hey, even if you are listening. But, subhan Allah, the Qur’an informs us that instead of getting angry at his words and defending his personality, Prophet Musa replied: (Allah) is your Lord as well as that of your forefathers. Gentleness in the language, sweetness in the words, sweetness in the voice

This gentleness, this steadfastness and this seriousness of Pharaoh Hazrat Musa (AS) became a firestorm. He did not understand why personal attacks on Hazrat Musa (AS) are proving to be ineffective. Therefore, adding more intensity to this attack, he said: The Messenger who has been sent to you seems completely insane. This sentence of his indicates that his anger had reached its peak and like a Khasyan cat he was scratching the poles and this time he ended his criticism of the blessed personality of Hazrat Musa (a.s.) and the word for him. Majuna was used. But Hazrat Musa (A.S.) remained on the da’wa mission without getting angry, without using abusive language and without defending his personality and personality. He (as) did not give any answer to being called a madman or a madman, but the Qur’an says that in response he said: (Allah) is the Lord of the East and the West and all that is between them, if you have reason. . The way of Hazrat Musa (AS) is a very clear example of how the worshipers of the truth need to forget their self and adopt the habit of good speech with great seriousness to defend the religion. Gentleness in the language, sweetness in the words, sweetness in the voice

Because no one has benefited from bad language and harsh conversation, but countless people have suffered because of it. On the other hand, gentleness and gentle speech are very beneficial for a person in every situation. It is the magic of words that can eradicate hatred from human hearts and sow seeds of love. Allah Almighty has described this point in a very sweet way in the Holy Qur’an: “Reply (to a bad thing) in a way that is very good, then you will see that the one who was enmity between you and you is now as if he is a true friend.” (Sahlat: 34) Gentleness in the language, sweetness in the words, sweetness in the voice

What a lovely Quranic prescription that can prove to be an antidote to every poison being spread for Muslims today. This is the recipe of gentle speech, which is a very simple and easy way to eliminate the poison of hatred being spread in human hearts. It is only necessary that we understand that it is this soft talk that can end our mutual grudges, our differences. It is this gentle speech that can give us access to the hearts of the nations of the whole world. Gentleness in the language, sweetness in the words, sweetness in the voice

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