Goodness is rewarded
Goodness is rewarded

A camel rider reached a village during a journey. Where the people of a caravan had lit a fire on their way. Due to the wind, the fire spread to the forest. Goodness is Rewarded

A camel rider reached a village during a journey. Where the people of a caravan had lit a fire on their way. Due to the wind, the fire spread to the forest. Incidentally, a huge snake got caught in the fire and started looking for a way to escape. But no way was found. He was about to burn to ashes when suddenly his eyes fell on Shah Sawar. “Please have mercy on me and save me from this sudden calamity.”

The camel rider was a God-fearing and merciful man. When he heard the cry of the snake and saw its anxiety and pain, he thought in his heart that although the snake is the enemy of man, it is in trouble at this time. There is nothing better than to rescue him with love and compassion, so that this good deed will be rewarded in the hereafter. So he hung a bag on the end of a stick and carried it to the snake. The snake immediately entered the bag and the rider carefully pulled the stick out of the fire. He said to the snake, “Now go where you want to go, now be free from this trouble.

” Give thanks to God and after that avoid harming people. Because the one who hurts people is infamous in this world and will be punished in the Hereafter.” The snake said, “O young man! Forget about it. For I will not go from here until I have killed you and your camel.” The rider said, “I have done good to you. Is this punishment his revenge?

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“It is true that you have done good to me,” said the snake, “but it is in vain.” You have shown me an undeserving kindness. You know that I am a mischievous animal and that it is foolish to expect me to do any good to men. Because you have tried to save me. That is, with whom you should deal with evil, you will be punished for it if you do good with him. For doing good to the wicked is like doing evil to the good. Second, there has been enmity between us and you since the beginning. The requirement of wisdom was that you would have crushed the enemy’s head. Don’t let me go like this. You have spoken against the Sharia and have mercy on me. I will bite you in every way

.” The rider said, “Think with justice that in which religion good is rewarded with evil and friendship is rewarded with enmity?” The snake said, “This is the habit of you humans and I am also following the same.” The man pleaded every few times but there was no effect on the snake. He said, “Make a quick decision.” Shall I bite you first or your camel?” The young man said, “Leave this idea because there is no reward for good deeds.”

He then replied, “This is the way of men, and this is what I have learned from men.”
The horseman denied this and said, “Then if he proves it through witnesses, I will allow you to die and agree to my death.” Goodness is Rewarded

The snake looked back. A buffalo was grazing in front. Both the snake and the camel rider came to him. The snake said, “O buffalo, what is the reward for good deeds?”
The buffalo replied, “If you ask about the religion of humans, good is rewarded by evil.” I was with a man for a long time. Goodness is Rewarded

Every year she gave birth and her house was built on my milk and ghee. His livelihood depended on me. When I became old and unable to bear children, he threw me out of the house and banished me to this forest. After that, when I grazed in the forest for a few days and wandered around idly and got a little fat, yesterday my master passed by. When he saw my fatness, he brought a butcher and sold me to him, and today they are taking me to the butcher’s shop and intend to cut me. It is evident from this that the reward of good is evil. Goodness is Rewarded

The snake said to the camel rider, “Look! Now get ready to fool yourself. Goodness is Rewarded

The camel rider said, “One witness is not enough in Shariat.” Take another testimony. Then do whatever you want.” The snake looked around again. His eyes fell on a tree. He said, “Let’s find out from this tree.” Both of them came to the tree. The snake asked the tree, “What is the reward for goodness?” The tree replied, “In the religion of humans, the reward for goodness is evil and the reason for this is that I am a tree.” Grown in this forest. Goodness is Rewarded

I stand on one foot and serve everyone. When the man, frightened by the heat and sun, came to the forest, he rested in my shade for hours, and as soon as his eyes opened, he looked at me and said, “Such a branch is fit to make an axe.” It is suitable for making a plow. The trunk can make good planks. Beautiful doors can be made. If he had a saw or an ax, my branches would have been severed from the trunk by now. I comforted him, so I had to face the pain.” The snake said, “Two witnesses testified. Now bring your body here so that I can bite you.” The camel rider said, “Life is dear to everyone. If you find one more witness, do not hesitate to disprove me. I will agree to this joke of fate. Goodness is Rewarded

By chance, a fox was standing there watching all this, and listening to both of them. The snake said, “Let’s ask this fox.” The fox heard the full roar and said to the camel rider, “Don’t you know that good is rewarded by evil?” What good thing did you do to the snake that deserved its punishment? So you look like a good man. Why did you tell a false story of saving him?” said the snake, “It tells the truth. This is the bag with which He has brought me out of the fire.” Goodness is Rewarded

The fox said in a surprised way, “How can I believe that such a big snake got into such a bag?” The snake said, “If I don’t believe, I would go back into the bag and tell.” I am.
The fox said, “If I see this with my own eyes, I will be convinced of its truth and thus I will be able to decide between you two.” Goodness is Rewarded

The man opened the bag and the snake entered the bag with great vigor as told by the fox. The rider then wanted to pull him with a stick when the fox said, “O rider! The enemy is under your control again. Don’t delay now. Don’t give him respite. Goodness is Rewarded

The rider lifted the bag and threw it on the ground. The snake died immediately….and the camel rider’s life was saved. Goodness is Rewarded

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