How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide


Stimulants that increase testosterone and anabolism If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you’re curious about what the hell they are. Are they yet another falsely advertised and harmful product? Or do they hold the secret to gaining a tonne of lean muscle and bulk? How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

What do steroids do?

One of the most crucial hormones for building muscle in your body is testosterone. It also works to activate your satellite cells, which are in charge of accelerating muscle regeneration and minimising tissue damage, in addition to helping to improve MPS, which can lessen the impact of muscle protein breakdown in the body. How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

And this is crucial for everyone who routinely exercises or lifts weights. Your muscles may increase your muscular mass, performance, and stamina faster if they can break down and rebuild themselves more quickly. How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

You may say that your muscle growth and recuperation time will be better the more testosterone you have. How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

Anabolic steroids can help with this. By enabling you to visit the gym sooner, they can help boost low testosterone levels and revitalise workout regimens. How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

What exactly are anabolic steroids?

Anabolic steroids, or ‘anabolic-androgenic steroids,’ if you want to get technical, are essentially synthetic testosterone derivatives made specifically to help sportsmen and bodybuilders. How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

You see, synthetic testosterone does not balance these anabolic and androgenic qualities like natural testosterone does. In order to increase testosterone’s anabolic (muscle-building) potential while reducing its androgenic (the development of male features like as facial hair, voice loss, genital enlargement, etc.) consequences, steroids have been synthetically altered.

The body’s increased bone and muscular mass is the result of its anabolic actions. You will gain from increased muscle growth, strength, performance, stamina, and energy when you exercise by assisting your muscle cells to generate more protein (via protein synthesis). Additionally, it will assist you in producing more ATP, which will encourage your muscles to work harder.

How do steroids work? How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

Bodybuilders seeking to quickly gain mass frequently turn to anabolic drugs as their main weapon. Anabolic steroids are present somewhere in the middle of these two cycles, whether they are being used for weight gain during a bulking cycle or to protect lean muscle tissue during a cutting cycle.

The tough element now is in how you provide them to people. Depending on the type of steroid you choose, many of them must be injected directly into your muscular tissues (upper arms, thighs, and yes, your butt) once or twice a week. Then, these can persist in your system for three weeks to three months.

There are also oral choices, and let’s just say they are much more pleasant to take because they are not uncomfortable and won’t irritate your muscles or scar your skin. However, these often have a shorter half-life, meaning you will need to take them daily and split this dose into 2-3 sessions (per day). How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

In both situations, they aid in increasing your testosterone levels and ensuring that it remains in your body, fostering the ideal bodybuilding environment. How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

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But exactly how do steroids function? The science aspect is as follows: How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

They are made up of little carbon-based compounds. They can enter your cells more easily thanks to their size and atomic makeup, especially your nucleus. They then attach to the receptors in your cells and instruct them to produce various proteins from there.

In fact, they begin instructing cells in skeletal tissues to produce more of the proteins that help build muscle while producing less of the proteins that help tear down muscle. How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

Ok. What does that entail for the efficient usage of steroids, then? A normal anabolic steroid cycle is what?

The majority of bulking and reducing cycles comprise 12 weeks of work followed by 6 weeks of rest. Now, the majority of anabolic steroids do not follow this trend. Anavar and Dianabol cannot be used for more than six weeks, while Sustanon 250 is advised for eight weeks. Any longer than that and you run the danger of harming your liver as it works overtime to produce the enzymes necessary to try to break down these steroids.

How fast do steroids work?

The steroid you chose will determine how long it takes to start working. While some products, like Dbol, promise to produce noticeable results in just a few days, others provide instances of what you may accomplish throughout a standard bulking cycle.

Here are some popular brands: How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

  • Sustanon 250 – 10–20 lb increases during an 8-week cycle (normally 50% water retention)
  • Anavar: gains of 10 to 15 pounds in a cycle of four weeks (cannot be used for longer than six weeks due to toxicity, but it does not promote water retention, thus results are as they appear)
  • Dianabol: 7–15 lb increases each cycle of four weeks (cannot be used for more than six weeks due to liver toxicity). Click here to read more about Dianabol cycles. How Do Anabolic Steroids Work With Bonus Guide

You’ll notice a difference by the end of week three because each of these can generate an average of 2-4 lbs of muscle build per week. Just keep in mind that, with the exception of Anavar, who has a low androgenic rating of 24, the other anabolic steroids do cause water retention, which means you’ll lose somewhere between 20 and 50 percent of your gains once your cycle is through.

Why is it a terrible idea?

Okay, you now have a good understanding of what steroids are, how they operate, and when to expect results. What about the overall image, though?

Are these anabolic steroids actually what they claim to be after you get beyond all the audacious promises and accounts of enormous gains?

Honestly? Not at all, no.

Not only are they illegal, but each of these well-known brands carries a plethora of health concerns that are simply not worth exposing your body to. The following are their top 6 health hazards, however heed the warning that your body may also experience the following unwelcome surprises from them:

  1. The major drawback to all of them, especially the oral tablet ones, is liver damage. Even while they boast that your liver won’t be able to break them down during digestion, ensuring that they stay in your body and complete their job of increasing muscle mass, this inability to break them down makes them hazardous to your liver. This means that steroid tablets like Dbol and Anavar should not be taken for more than 6 weeks at a time to avoid serious liver damage. They can also result in kidney issues or, worse, kidney failure.
  2. If testosterone suppression weren’t so sad, it would be funny. You see, while anabolic steroids can provide your body synthetic testosterone, this can also cause a 40% reduction in your body’s natural testosterone production. This means that if you don’t perform PCT after every cycle, it will accomplish the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of what you want. instead of gaining more muscle and burning more fat. This muscle WILL be lost in as little as 4 weeks. You’ll gain weight FOR SURE. You might even get moobs, which would be awful.
  3. If you’ve never heard of the phrases virilization in women and aromatization in males, get ready to be shocked. Virilization is the process of adopting male characteristics, such as facial hair and deeper voices. I doubt any woman would want to go through this procedure because it can take months to reverse. Boobies can form as a result of aromatization, which is the process by which too much testosterone is turned into oestrogen.
  4. When used improperly, they have the potential to cause harmful mental impacts; even if they don’t get you high, they do stay in the brain. Taken wrongly or in excess, they can cause the following side effects: mania and depression; paranoia (extreme and unjustified jealously); aggressiveness (roid fury and irritability); delusions (false ideas and beliefs); and hostility.
  5. We don’t just mean increases in your blood pressure and cholesterol when we talk about heart problems. Even if you’re young, it can also make your heart bigger, raise your risk of blood clots, and multiply the likelihood that you’ll suffer a heart attack or stroke.

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It can lead to erectile dysfunction (if a smaller package wasn’t enough, you might struggle to get it up), testicle shrinkage (say goodbye to your masculinity), reduced sperm count (and the fewer swimmers you have, the tougher it will be to produce children), and an increased risk of prostate cancer in men. It can cause male-pattern baldness, breast enlargement, and changes to your period (which could even cease, resulting in infertility) in women.

These are only a small number, but none of them are good.


The odd thing about anabolic steroids is that despite all the improvements they advertise, their drawbacks still vastly outweigh their advantages.

It makes no difference how quickly they can increase your muscle mass, raise your metabolism, promote fat burning, and improve your energy, endurance, and performance.

When it comes down to it, all of them are still illegal, they are all harmful to your physical and mental health (come on, none of the side effects mentioned above are worth the risk), their effects are at best fleeting and temporary (especially if you don’t make the effort to maintain them), they can all lead to substance abuse and addiction (no thanks), and quite frequently they can have the opposite effect of what you were hoping for.

So why take a chance?

Because of this, if you’re serious about gaining weight, keep in mind that there are safer and more ethical options available. Alternatives that won’t harm your body or cause it to experience unfavourable side effects. However, there are alternatives that are 100 percent FDA approved and created for your utmost enjoyment.

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