If any person takes a look at the rights of women in Islam, he will say that Islam is the only religion in the world that respects women in the true sense and protects their rights. Islam gave women the right to inheritance, issued strict orders to protect her chastity and dignity, assigned her family and financial rights and granted her social rights. Islam has built a wall of rights for women, under the shadow of which they can live a pure life.

From the right to live to the acquisition of knowledge and from protection to the right to inheritance, Islam has given women the great rights that cannot be found in other religions. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

If one thinks and worries about the decline of human values by looking at the political upheavals in the present time, then such a person with a good heart will feel that amid all these upheavals in the world, the commodity which has become the cheapest, Sar-e-bazar has become disgraced. It is the chastity of women. Attempts are being made to tartar the purity of Bint Hawa in Chahardang Alam. Sometimes it is being done by lustful people, and sometimes the delicate gender itself has not taken any effort to lose its value and identity. History is a witness that whenever men have fought wars and bloodshed, the women of the defeated nations have been struck by lightning and the stories of their humiliation and humiliation have been written that God’s refuge! Islam has built a wall of rights for women

In recent times, the news about women in the eastern province of Manipur in India, how their virginity was auctioned in the market and how no one knew about it for more than two months, is a testimony that our society’s sense of women. has died in the case of All the claims of protecting their rights have been proved baseless, all the laws to protect them are limited to paper only, and all the loud slogans of tolerance have been opened with them. Because all these claims, all these laws are made by man and the laws made by the creator and owner of this world will stand the test of time.

Today, laws have come into existence for the protection of women in various countries around the world. But after studying them, and after seeing their practical picture, when we look at the social conditions and ground realities, we realize that there is an abundance of verbal accumulation, there are many rules on paper, but in society. The situation of women’s protection is such that soul-shaking news of two- and three-year-old girls being molested are coming in the media from time to time.

After seeing the chaotic conditions on them, when our eyes are raised towards the Shariah laws which have been made by the creator and owner of the universe, then they look the most comprehensive. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

These are the laws prepared in the heavens for the earthlings, taking into account both human temperament, human psychology, social realities and man’s strengths and weaknesses, tested and tested over the centuries by the test of time. And the strict opponents of Islam also believe that their defeat is better for humanity and there is no other option better than them. Before the advent of Islam, the condition of women was different not only in the Arabian Peninsula but in the whole world. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

Sometimes she was being burnt alive on the death of her husband, sometimes she was being left on the threshold of a religious temple after her birth. Somewhere it was a custom that when she was born, she was placed at the father’s feet, if he willingly picked her up, then it was fine, otherwise, this innocent girl was left crying so that someone else would take her or Then animals eat it. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

The famous writer of Arabic language, Dr. Mustafa Saba’i, has written a complete chapter in his book “Al-Maraa’t Fi-Islam” on the topic of how bad the condition of women was in different regions of the world before Islam. Regarding the Arabs, we already know that the Arab Bedouin tribes, especially Banu Rabi’ah and Banu Tamim, and some other tribes were also famous for burying their daughters alive, but today’s world has passed away from them as well, so that now a daughter is not even born into the world. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

It is given, rather it is killed in the mother’s womb. According to a report, every year in India nearly five lakh girls do not even take their first breath of life and are killed through abortion. Islam has lifted women from the place where they were thrown. Honor of a woman as a mother (under the mother’s feet is Paradise), wife (the best among you is the one who treats his wife well), sister and daughter (the person who has three daughters or three sisters or only two daughters) or raised the burden of two sisters, and trained them well and treated them well, and then married them, then Allah has decreed Paradise for that servant. Honored. And not only this, but in the human society, a heavy rain of rights started raining on women. And the woman who was considered as a toe shoe till yesterday, today is seen as a crown of the head in the Muslim society. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

If any person takes off the lens of prejudice and takes a look at the rights available to women in Islam, he will say that Islam is the only religion in the world that respects women in the true sense and protects her rights. Islam gave women the right to inheritance, strict orders were issued to protect her chastity. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

In the Qur’an, men and women were ordered to keep their eyes down while walking, but the important thing in this order was that men were first ordered to keep their eyes down, because their gaze is all that is important to women. It causes great pain. Islam gave the right to chastity and chastity to the woman and by making adultery strictly forbidden, built such a strong wall around the woman that protected the chastity and chastity of every woman. At the time of marriage, the husband was ordered to pay dowry. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

After the marriage, the woman was freed from the hardships of earning and spending, and her bread and sustenance were made the responsibility of the husband. Protected from staring eyes, teasing sentences and all evil actions. He was given the right to education and training, he was given the right to be treated well by men, he was given the right to attain nearness to God through piety and purity, he was acquitted of all the charges that some religions of the world put on him. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

There were some who said that the woman took Adam out of paradise, he is eternally impure, some said that closeness to a woman leads to distance from God. Islam also gave women the right to own property, otherwise she was considered the property of men for a long time as if she was not a human being but an inanimate object. He was assigned family and financial rights, social rights and religious rights and along with all these, Allah Almighty declared in the Holy Quran: “Whoever has done righteous deeds while a believer, whether he is male or female, We will make him lead a pure life, and We will certainly reward such people according to their best deeds. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

Thus, on these real and strong foundations, Islam has built the wall of rights for women under whose shadow they can lead a pure and peaceful life. There is a dire need to put an end to the tradition of celebrating special days and raising slogans devoid of spirit and action, to highlight Islamic teachings about women and to implement them. In this, the protection and eternal happiness of women of every religion, color and caste living in our society is hidden. Islam has built a wall of rights for women


Due to the divergence of cultural practises in the Muslim world from an Islamic perspective as well as the false notion in the West that Islam subjugates women, the status of women in Islam is a topic that is still relevant today. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

A Turkish family is celebration an islamic event according to Turkish culture.

Islam is actually a special boon for women, as demonstrated by an impartial examination of its founding texts and a consideration of women’s roles in the civilizations where it was practised. Islam has built a wall of rights for women

A woman was considered by her parents to be a threat to the family’s honour before Islam, according to the writers of The Cultural Atlas of Islam, and was hence deserving of being buried alive when she was a baby. She was a consumable sex item as an adult who could be purchased, sold, or passed down. Islam promoted women to a position of authority and status in the household and society from this position of inferiority and legal inability.

Women have the same rights and obligations as males, however they are not always the same. Men and women differ from one another in terms of their physiological and psychological makeup, therefore this difference is understandable. There is no room for a Muslim to think that women are less valuable than men in light of this distinction. Thus, it may be more appropriate to refer to the Islamic perspective on gender relations as one of “equity” rather than the more widely used word “equality,” which could be interpreted to signify general equality rather than equality in every little detail of life.

The Spiritual Aspect

Women are regarded as equally important to existence as males in the sacred text of the Glorious Qur’an and in the early Muslim history. Islam challenged the notion that Eve’s temptation of Adam to disobey God led to his fall. The Qur’an disproves the notion that women are a source of evil by stating that they both disobeyed. At a time when religious communities disagreed about whether women were human beings with souls or were merely objects of sexual satisfaction for males, Islam proclaimed:

“Oh humanity! You were made from just one (pair) of male and female atoms. The Qur’an (49:13)

“Oh Humanity! Respect your Guardian-Lord, Who made you from a single individual, made his partner from a similar nature, and then scattered innumerable men and women from them. Respect the wombs (where you were born) and fear Allah, through whom you are demanding your mutual rights, for Allah is continually watching over you. Qur’anic verse 4:1

Men and women belong to the same family and as such, have comparable rights and obligations. In the Glorious Qur’an, their Lord promises them:

“Never will I waste the labour of a worker among you, whether he or she is male or female, the one being from the other.” Verse 395 of the Qur’an.

Thus, a woman has her own identity according to Islamic tradition. She carries the weight of her moral and spiritual obligations as a responsible being in her own right.

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