Decide what you want to be in school. Make a plan to achieve your goal, take concrete steps and follow them to reach the goal. Love your future, the educational journey will be easy!

You have been told about ‘love for school’ and ‘love for teachers’. It would be nice if the students started loving their future too. This is not a difficult task. You just have to set your future goal and try to achieve it. In trying to achieve this, you have to be careful not to offend anyone and try to live the life you decided on in school while being ethical. What is the importance of future in a person’s life and why should he love his future? Read the answers to these questions in the columns below:

Imagine that you have decided that (for example) you will become a successful digital artist in the future. Now decide what you have to do to reach here, what courses to take, what percentage to score in SSC and HSC, which colleges to join, etc. It is the strategy for the future that will be your livelihood, but the future is not a name to be determined by income alone. With this you have to work on different fronts of life, it is not only important to earn money but also to help others, to think of ways to serve your nation and country, to spend time with your family, relatives and friends. There are many factors around which your life revolves, such as taking out, trying to develop your hobbies, etc. Yes! Among these factors you can decide which one to give importance to. For example, during exam time you give most importance to studies, when the exam period is over you start focusing on sports and other household chores. Similarly, you have to determine or decide what to focus on at what point in time. 

Advantages of thinking about the future first

  1. It strengthens you mentally. It instills in you the feeling that you can change a lot with your mental power. Having made up your mind about your future at an early age, this mental toughness will be very important to you in the years to come.
  2. It helps you anticipate changes. Rapid changes are taking place in the age of technology. If you decide in school what you want to be, and if after a few years you realize that there are not many possibilities in that field, choose a field that is similar or has a bright future. Obviously, planning ahead is very important.
  3. It makes you try to understand others. To build a plausible future you need to understand how people think and act, and what their hopes or fears are. It forces you to formulate a question and encourages you to struggle to find the answer. It creates curiosity in you.
  4. Future planning encourages you to think and act on your thoughts. For example, you decide that you want to crack UPSC with outstanding marks. Now you will prepare for it from the primary classes itself. That is, setting a goal will motivate you to work towards it.
  5. Hope to do something better arises in you. After deciding about the future, you think about how much you can be useful to the nation and the country through the profession you have adopted.

Why is thinking about the future important?

Experts say that future scenarios help you imagine possibilities and make better decisions today. Through this you can also become a leader. Thinking about the future can also bring you financial benefits. Students who think about the future are making themselves more valuable and useful, but students should consider other factors besides their career.

What does science say?

Modern neuroscience says that every human being thinks about his future. This happens because God has created our mind in such a way that it keeps thinking about the past, present and future. Your mind is never empty of thoughts. Our nervous systems are the most genetically and structurally complex systems on Earth, and are the core of our biological intelligence. About 80% of our genes are expressed in our brain and nerves. Dual-process theory in psychology and neuroscience tells us that our brain perceives and makes decisions about the future in two very important ways. Science has named them System One and System Two. System One acts quickly and makes immediate decisions while System Two helps us make decisions based on the situation. System 2 is slow at an early age, but it is capable of making good decisions. If students pay a little attention, System Two can be quite stable at an early age and help you make the right decision. One of the suggested ways to stabilize it is brain games like chess, puzzles etc.

5 Basic Principles for Future Thinking

(1) Forget predictions:

If someone makes negative or positive predictions about your future, don’t pay attention to it. You have to focus on how well you can judge yourself. It is better to reach a decision after consulting parents, teachers and friends than to make a decision alone. Reinforce the idea that you can make the right decision. Love your future, the educational journey will be easy!

(2) Pay attention to the signs:

In order to think systematically about the future, you need to pay attention to the signals. What are the clues as to which way you are inclined? What do you think about careers? How much benefit can you give to the country and the nation? How much will the public benefit from your profession? Have you chosen a field that will prove profitable in the future? Have you made a decision with technology in mind? News and articles also help you understand your trend so pay attention to that as well.

(3) It is necessary to look back in order to move forward

This phrase means not to repeat the mistakes made in the past but learn from them and decide the future. You will be able to move forward only when you review the steps taken behind and try to make new but lasting marks ahead. Study the lives of your idols and try to figure out how their decisions will differ from yours, and how your future will differ from theirs.

(4) List of Alternatives:

Yes! This is an important step. This principle of forward thinking tells you how many avenues are open to you based on your interests. Now you have to evaluate which path is difficult and which is easy. Which way will you reach your goal and which way will you not get what you dreamed of? Making any relationship decision requires that you have a list of alternatives. This way you will be able to make the right decision.

(5) Interest group membership:

If a group is formed that includes students who have set the same goal, and all have developed their own strategies. May be sharing strategies, difficulties and eases with each other will make the final decision less difficult and you will be able to make the right decision about your future!

Remember that love for the future is essential. Students who do not pay attention to this aspect, are not able to make the right decision and then they are forced to pursue a career in fields that do not interest them.

Thinking about the future makes life meaningful

Numerous studies have shown that people who think about their future in advance, set goals and strive to achieve them, live a successful life. Thinking about the future can have 4 main consequences:

Help in making the right decisions:

When you think about your future, you get the power to make the right decision. You make a decision in such a way that it does not adversely affect your plans.

Movement to target:

Our future depends on how much we strive to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves. This is why the determination of the future motivates us to achieve the goal.

Stabilizes the psyche:

Research has revealed that making decisions about the future at an early age opens students’ minds and they automatically find ways to reach their goals.

Passion for helping others:

How we think about the future doesn’t just affect our own lives. It can also affect how we treat other people.

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