Mahendra Singh Dhoni

You should focus more on the process than the result, because the result comes from the process.


You should focus more on the process than the result, because the result comes from the process.

Some important quotes from the speeches and interviews of Captain Kol Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who made his unique place in the world of cricket, which are full of motivation and guidance.

Former Team India captain and captain Kol Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s secret to success and his method are revealed in the speeches and interview excerpts that we are presenting below. He has said these things on different occasions and on different platforms which are also available on YouTube.

The first thing is not to limit yourself to a single goal. Personally, when I started playing cricket, I never thought that I would play for India. I was fond of cricket, and had the passion to play it, I kept moving forward. While playing cricket, the goal was to go to the next level. That’s how it went when I started playing for India A then I realized that if not today I will play for the national team tomorrow. I never played thinking I had to get something. Or that it should be my personal goal. From my school days, while playing cricket, my only goal was to win the match. We have to win matches against all the good teams. I think that if you define your future with ‘milestones’ in front of you, then life will be difficult. Michael Phillips has so many Olympic gold medals to his name, if he had only aimed to win gold medals in the Olympics, he should have retired. That is why I believe that you should not limit yourself to any milestone but think and do how much you can improve in your field and work, how much you can contribute on your part.

Secondly, don’t focus on the results. I always try not to think about the result. I strongly believe that the result is more important than the ‘process’. Because you get the result because of the process. What is the process? Think of it as if we have made a goal (goal) then there will be a long-term and a short-term goal to achieve it. The most important for us is the ‘image goal’. It takes short-term planning, how we plan and execute on it. Thinking about the result does not get you the result. When you focus more on the ‘controllable’ things at work, pay attention to the little things, and do the work, then you get the results you want. If I talk about my field, the players of the rival team also try as hard as we do for the result, in this case it is also possible and it happens that our plan lags behind the plan of those in front. Is . In the meantime, the individual performance of the other team may be better and you may not win or get the result you want. It does not mean at all that your plan, effort, process was useless, but the rival team proved to be a bit better than you in this regard and got ahead.

The third thing is to live in the present and keep motivating yourself. I don’t think much about past and future. Surely we should learn from the mistakes of the past and have a positive outlook for the future. But the present is most important. Because what we do in the present has an impact in the future. There are many people around you to get motivation, you can get motivation from family, parents, country. I believe that what is motivation for me, may not seem so important to others. If I talk about motivation for myself, I consider Malik as a ‘motivating factor’.

The fourth important thing is to ‘take action’ i.e. make a practical effort. You must have heard this English saying, What doesn`t kill you makes you strong., so I am strong. Yes, there are times and times when we are under pressure, the situation is that we have to win 3 out of 4 matches, and we have done that. My question to you is how do you know if you have a strong personality? Let me answer, you will not realize your strength until you face pressure and difficult situations. Verbal accumulation alone does not work, it should be, that should be, it will do, work is done by saying, not doing.

Fifth and lastly, admit your mistakes and learn from them. It is normal to feel sad when you fail in something. But you don’t have to sit down in despair, you don’t have to give up. Rather, you need to see what and where the error occurred. We should ask ourselves if we could have made a small change in our planning to avoid this mistake. It is also a fact that we all make mistakes somewhere, mistakes are human. So we should be honest with ourselves. If there is a mistake, admit it and try not to repeat it again. Whoever you are, an employee or a junior/senior manager, you should accept your responsibility and admit it if you make a mistake.

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