In India, more than 13 lakh women have gone missing in 3 years, Madhya Pradesh is the top, admitted in the Lok Sabha.

According to the NCRB report, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs said that West Bengal is in the second and Maharashtra is in the third position, and the number of women above 18 years of age is 10 lakh 61 thousand 648. In India, more than 13 lakh women have gone missing in 3 years, Madhya Pradesh is the top, admitted in the Lok Sabha.

The report presented by the Union Home Ministry in Parliament last week has highlighted the alarming situation regarding women. Based on the data provided by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the Ministry of Interior said that between 2019 and 2021, more than 13 lakh girls and women went missing in the country. According to the report, the number of missing women above 18 years of age is 10 lakh 61 thousand 648, while the number of missing girls below 18 years of age is 2 lakh 51 thousand 430. More than 13 lakh women have gone missing in 3 years.

The report also gives the number of missing women state-wise. According to this, the maximum i.e. 160 thousand 180 women belong to Madhya Pradesh. 38 thousand 234 girls under the age of 18 have gone missing from this BJP-ruled state in three years. According to the report, the Trinamool Congress-ruled state of West Bengal has the second-highest number of missing women and 18-year-olds. The number of girls under the age of one year is one lakh 56 thousand 905 and 36 thousand 606 respectively. Meanwhile, 187 thousand 400 women and 13 thousand 33 girls under the age of 18 went missing from the economically better state of Maharashtra. More than 13 lakh women have gone missing in 3 years.

According to the report, 9 thousand 765 women went missing from Jammu and Kashmir during this period. Among them, the number of women above 18 years of age is 8 thousand 617 and the number of girls below 18 years of age is 1 thousand 148. In terms of tragic incidents of missing women from the Union Territories, Jammu and Kashmir ranks second, followed by the national capital, Delhi. Where 61 thousand 54 women and 22 thousand 919 girls under 18 years of age went missing during the said period. More than 13 lakh women have gone missing in 3 years.

NCERB has calculated this number on the basis of reports filed in police stations regarding missing women and girls. However, social workers say the actual number could be much higher as many families do not file reports of missing girls for various reasons. Some of these reasons include fear and some social stigma. More than 13 lakh women have gone missing in 3 years.

Picture by NDTV

Minister of State in Union Home Ministry Ajay Kumar Mishra says that the government has taken several measures for the protection of women. These include the Prevention of Sexual Offenses Act, 2013. He said that in order to make this law stricter and more effective, it was amended in 2018 and now the culprit of defamation of a girl under 12 years of age can be punished with death. He further said that the amendment law now also talks about speedy investigation of rape cases and taking steps to bring justice to the victims as soon as possible. The government says that a nationwide emergency response system has also been launched to provide immediate assistance to distressed women and any woman can dial 112 and seek immediate assistance. More than 13 lakh women have gone missing in 3 years.

Certainly, here is a table summarizing the information about the topic “More than 13 lakh women have gone missing in 3 years” based on the provided search results:

SourceKey Information
The Wire – Read More– Over 13.13 lakh girls and women went missing in India between 2019 and 2021.
– This alarming statistic underscores gender safety concerns in the country.
Indian Express – Read More– Madhya Pradesh accounted for a significant number of missing females.
– The reasons for these disappearances include human trafficking and forced marriages.
Outlook India – Read More– More than 13.13 lakh girls and women were reported missing in India between 2019 and 2021.
– Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal were among the states with high numbers of missing females.
– The issue highlights the need for comprehensive efforts to improve gender safety.

This table provides a concise summary of the key information from different sources regarding the concerning issue of women going missing in India over a three-year period.

Regarding this claim of the government, the sociologist says that despite all the claims of the government, the series of crimes against women in the country is not stopping. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of interest of all political parties regarding this issue. Political parties start blaming each other for crimes against women in any state but they do not look into their necks. More than 13 lakh women have gone missing in 3 years.

More than 13 lakh girls and women were reported missing in India between 2019 and 2021, as per government data. This alarming statistic highlights a pressing issue of gender safety and security in the country. Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal were among the states with the highest numbers of missing females. The reasons behind these disappearances can vary widely, including factors like human trafficking, forced marriages, and other forms of exploitation.

The significant number of missing women underscores the need for comprehensive efforts to address this issue, including improved law enforcement, public awareness campaigns, and support systems for vulnerable individuals. It’s essential to work collectively to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens, particularly women and girls, and to prevent such disappearances from happening in the future.

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