The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout.


You can find literally thousands of articles on muscle-building at your fingertips, and the majority of them will suggest some wacky new method for gaining size and strength. But do you require the newest techniques and tools to meet your size and strength objectives? You don’t, as science is making clear. The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout

Compound exercises were used by the forerunners of bodybuilding and powerlifting, and this is what the PHUL programme (Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower) emulates. You will be astounded by your results when you combine these exercises with the PHUL routine split, which are by today’s standards considered foundational exercises. The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout

Let’s examine the exercises and acute variables in this 4-day split of the PHUL training plan. In addition, we’ll explain the distinction between the PHAT and PHUL routines. The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout.

What is the PHUL Workout?

Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower, or PHUL, is an exercise programme that uses compound movements like squats and deadlifts together with a few isolation exercises to thoroughly exhaust the muscles. It is intended to increase both strength and muscular growth. The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout Guide.

The PHUL workout combines the best elements of bodybuilding and powerlifting. In contrast to a regular powerlifting workout, the objective of PHUL is to gradually develop strength and raw force production rather than aiming for sudden, enormous leaps in order to raise your overall personal best.

Additionally, the PHUL programme does not solely emphasise muscle hypertrophy, which is the process of gaining muscle mass without enhancing strength and power. This programme does both using tried-and-true workouts and a particular collection of acute variables. The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout Guide.

Every muscle group is targeted twice a week during the PHUL workout, which is its most distinctive feature. If you are concentrating on rest and recovery, studies show that this produces the optimum environment for both strength increases and muscle growth while minimising the risk of overtraining.

What is the PHUL Program Best for?

For those who want to achieve the following types of fitness goals, the PHUL workout is best: The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout Guide.

Power and Strength: Since the PHUL programme dedicates two of the four days to strengthening, it will be excellent for anyone wishing to gradually and safely build up their overall strength. There are several anecdotal stories that show the big three (squat, deadlift, and bench press) scores also get a nice bump.

The other two days of the PHUL programme are dedicated to hypertrophy, which is the process of exhausting a muscle to the point that it needs to grow larger in order to handle the strain of the weightlifting programme. In other words, you will experience an increase in muscular growth by sticking to the PHUL routine. For seasoned bodybuilders, the PHUL routine wouldn’t be the best option, but if competing is your ultimate objective, it’s a wonderful starting point.

Weight reduction: Although the PHUL workout wasn’t created with weight reduction in mind, studies suggest that if you stick with the programme, you will see greater fat burning, just like with any strength training workout. It’s crucial to keep in mind that your nutritional choices will affect your ability to burn fat and lose weight overall.

Exercises in PHUL Program

Compound exercises make up a large portion of the PHUL fitness programme. These are the workouts that use the most muscle groups at once through these movements. Squats, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead presses, and lunges are a few PHUL movements you’ll encounter in the programme.

Because they have been demonstrated to produce the best benefits in terms of strength and muscle, compound exercises serve as the basis of the PHUL programme. Your body will be pushed harder to adjust to the training load the more muscles you can recruit in a single exercise. The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout Guide.

There are a few isolation movements in the PHUL programme, but these are primarily for making sure the muscle is completely exhausted. The PHUL Workout Guide for Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower.

Benefits of PHUL Workout

What distinguishes the PHUL workout from the apparently endless number of other muscle-building exercises available? The following are some advantages of the PHUL programme: The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout Guide.

More variation, More Muscle: One of the biggest reasons to employ a PHUL workout programme is because the variation of the routine will aid in accelerating the process of muscle growth. According to one study, participants who utilised a diversified training regimen, such as the PHUL workout, grew more muscle than those who employed a fixed set to repetition range.

Every Muscle, Twice a Week: As we hinted at above, a workout programme that concentrates on your muscle parts twice a week would yield better results than the conventional one muscle group per day, per week arrangement. According to one study, working out two times a week on each muscle group produced faster and greater muscle development.

Exercises that have applications outside of the weight room are included in the PHUL training programme. You might not realise it, but exercises like the deadlift and squat can enhance your functioning daily life. For instance, by concentrating on improving the strength in your hip flexors with the deadlift, you’ll be able to execute bending duties, like picking up your children or groceries, without worrying about suffering an injury.

7 Days PHUL Workout Training Program

Now that you’re certain you’ve chosen the perfect muscle-building and strength-building programme, it’s time for us to deliver. The entire PHUL exercise programme, including acute variables, frequency, and routines, is provided here. The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout Guide.

Importance of Warming Up

Let’s talk about the value of the warm-up before we start the programme. With compound motions, you’ll target the main muscle groups twice a week. Warming up prior to each workout is strongly advised to reduce the risk of injury. This can involve a light cardio workout lasting 5 to 10 minutes along with dynamic stretching. The ideal situation is to warm up your muscles before beginning to lift weights.

Performing a warm-up set before the first few exercises is also advised. In order to prime your muscles to lift significantly more weight in the future sets, utilise 50% to 60% of your one-repetition maximum during this set.

Choosing Your Weight

You might not know which weight to choose for that exercise while you’re staring at that row of dumbbells. A common rule of thumb is to use a weight that will enable you to complete the required repetitions, but you should struggle to complete the final repetition.

Pick a weight that, while you know you can move it six times during an activity that requires eight repetitions, but that you could struggle with on the seventh or eighth repetition.

5PHUL Workout Split : The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout Guide.

There will be four working days in the programme, as we already indicated; two of those days will be devoted to strength training and the other two to muscle development. Your workout week will be organised as follows:

Day 1: Upper Body Power

Day 2: Lower Body Power

Day 3: Rest and Recovery

Day 4: Upper Body Hypertrophy

Day 5: Lower Body Hypertrophy

Day 6: Rest and Recovery


Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 3 to 5 repetitions

Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3 x 6 – 10

Bent Over Row: 3 x 3 – 5

Narrow Grip Lat Pulldown: 3 x 6 – 10

Dumbbell Overhead Press: 2 x 5 – 8

Hammer Curls: 2 x 6 – 10

Rope Pushdown: 2 x 6 – 10


Barbell Squat: 4 sets of 3 to 5 repetitions

Barbell Deadlift : 4 x 3 – 5

Plate-Loaded Leg Press: 5 x 10 – 15

Leg Curl: 4 x 6 – 10

Calf Exercise: 4 x 6 – 10

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Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions

Flat Bench Dumbbell Fly: 3 x 8 – 12

Seated Single-Arm Cable Row: 3 x 8 – 12

One-Arm Dumbbell Row: 3 x 8 – 12

Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 x 8 – 12

Seated Incline Dumbbell Curl: 3 x 8 – 12

Cable Triceps Overhead Extension: 3 x 8 – 12


Barbell Front Squat: 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions

Dumbbell or Kettlebell Lunge: 4 x 8 – 12

Leg Extension: 3 x 10 – 15

Leg Curl : 3 x 10 – 15

Seated Calf Raise: 3 x 8 – 12

Calf Press: 3 x 8 – 12

The Difference Between PHUL and PHAT Workouts

There’s a good probability that you came across the PHAT workout as well if you came across the PHUL exercise regimen. Although the goals of both routines are to increase overall strength and muscular hypertrophy, the following differences stand out:

Training Days: The five training days that make up the PHAT regimen enable more total sets and repetitions, or training volume, to be completed in a shorter amount of time. The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout Guide.

Overall Volume: Keeping with the previous point, the PHAT workout features a significantly greater overall repetition count due to the extra day in the programme. What amount more? When performed correctly, the PHAT workout can yield over 500 repetitions while the PHUL programme only permits little more than 250. The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout Guide.

Hypertrophy-Focused: It should come as no surprise that the PHAT programme places a stronger priority on muscle building than strength improvements given the higher rep range. The Power Hypertrophy Upper Lower PHUL Workout Guide.


The PHUL workout is a great training programme for people who want to get stronger, gain more muscular mass, and understand the basics of fitness. It won’t be as intense as the PHAT workout, but it will still yield great results. Once you reach your objectives, you might even want to use it as a stepping stone to a more difficult programme.

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