Young people! It is possible to return to the highway of life, i.e. the uterus!


No one will readily offer you a space to make a U-turn in such a situation because some people are driving brutally on this life’s highway and others are intoxicated by consumerism, but you can find that area thanks to your wisdom and awareness. Young people! It is possible to return to the highway of life, i.e. the uterus!

While the past’s happy or traumatic memories are undoubtedly valuable to an individual or a country, they may also be damaging when they stagnate those recollections. As a result, efforts should be taken to bring the past into the present. It can be changed without the use of a computer, robot, or other external device. It is present within you in the form of your brain, however a human brain differs from a robot’s brain in that a human brain has consciousness while a robot, supercomputer, artificial intelligence, or even a cheat GPT has only consciousness. Although both are unconscious, the unconscious sadly rules the human mind and keeps it wallowing in the shadows of the past.

The vast majority of us view the present through the prism of the past while simultaneously projecting into the future while still carrying the weight of the past (whether good or bad). No one can longer compete in the life race while sniffing. No matter how challenging it may be for them to do so, these former worshippers are urged to let go of the weight of the past. It is imperative that we face reality right away.

The path is still open for those who are moaning, groaning, and lamenting fate in the shadows of earlier failures. The doors are open, but they cannot see it because the blindfold of the past has been tied over their eyes. How is it still possible to put these gloomy memories of the past to rest?

Looking back on your previous failures and making a list of all the causes is the most crucial thing in this regard. It is a difficult duty because no matter how angelic, enlightened, or enlightened a person is, he does not like to admit his errors. There will need to be a prepared list of failures. Therefore, young individuals, the following factors may have contributed to your history of failure:

(1) Lack of awareness

Yes, the year 400 was a time when there was no awareness. No one was prepared to explain how this existence holds opportunities and possibilities at its feet, nor was anybody aware of the possibilities. Either selfishness or ignorance of others was the cause. But you fell for it, and now you’re paying for it. Release the weight of the past. Picking up the broken pieces of the Shesh Mahal of life will leave blood on your fingers, but trust me when I say that this is an advantage.

(2) Suffering from assumptions

You’ve probably also assumed a lot about your past throughout your life. Your mind and nerves were encircled by these presumptions in such a way that you were unable to escape its trap, despite the fact that you undoubtedly wanted to hear anything and succeed in life. Then, because you were still ignorant of the outside world, you made the error of believing that all of these presumptions represented the truth of existence. But why the delay right now? Now you have all these presumptions like (a) It’s impossible (b) There is no assurance that life will succeed as a result of this (c) It’s a challenging task (d) It takes a lot of work (h) It’s from an unclear future, I’ll be able to advance, etc. Throw away the disguise of all these fakes at this point.

(3) Diffusion of circumstances

‘Halaat’ is the name of the blasphemy that we are loudly told since we were young. Situations are always shown to us as a terrifying and unstoppable force. Did you not quiet the music of these occurrences in the past? These circumstances are still getting on your nerves. What occurred in the past did occur. Why are you still subject to those circumstances? Why are you allowing him to be held captive? Additionally, consider the tactic you used to alter the circumstance.

(4) Lack of desire

Your lack of desire might have been one, if not the main, cause of your previous failures. You were devoid of longing and had no dreams in your eyes, but you also realised that even dreaming was not a right. How could you possibly survive this existence right now? You understand the well, after all! The bottom of a well must contain springs; otherwise, why keep filling a pit with water from a bucket? A pit cannot become a well since a well is created by the springs in its bottom. Its identity and speciality both revolve upon that. A person cannot be revolutionised or changed by millions of external desires if there is no desire at the core of their being. The sparks of revolution do not fly in this manner. They first appear as a spark in the heart, where they first give birth. But why would the flames rekindle from the quenched fires in the hearts? Because you have a history of lacking motivation, having poor willpower, and being inconsistent. Yes, own it right now. Since only by accepting this confession—no matter how bitter, bitter, or painful—can one go on to the future.

All we can say to you is that even though the past has severely wounded you, it does not entail that you should give up on the present, the future, and the remainder of your life (even if it is just a few years or months). On the life’s highway, making a pre-turn is not always simple. Traffic is moving quickly.

Who will give you room for a U-turn in such a situation, where some of the other drivers are driving brutally and others are driving while intoxicated with materialism? How long will the boat of your life continue to rock with the wind, though, if you manage to get there with your knowledge and insight, and then you have to do a U-turn? Come out of the shadows of the past where life is still present and all the brightness is still there.

Now, especially for our young people, this option is available to them in order to remain on board the boat that was shook in the direction of the wind in the past, exit the vortex, and then return as opposed to being a casualty of a storm. How long will they remain imprisoned within the stone of the past? Life is not inexpensive enough to be sacrificed for a single inadvertent error.

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