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Social media has destroyed social life.


Due to the unnecessary use of this platform, our health is affected, our time is wasted and chaos is also created in the society, so there is a need for a regular campaign against it. Social media has destroyed social life.

Recently, I met a friend and saw that he had a belt with a cloth around his neck to keep his neck straight. When asked the reason, he said that this problem has arisen due to lying on the bed and looking at the mobile phone at night, so the doctor has advised him to wear this belt. In medical terms, this is called ‘text neck syndrome’. Social media has destroyed social life.

A few days ago, a doctor was telling that a patient came to him whose left hand was not rising properly. There was pain in the hand, the shoulder and the chest on the left side were also hurting. The patient was scared thinking that the problem of ‘stroke’ and ‘heart attack’ was not there. After seeing various reports, the doctor came to the conclusion that this problem is caused due to excessive use of mobile phones. Social media has destroyed social life.

Dry eye is a disease in which the eyes do not produce enough tears. Due to this, the moisture in the eyes decreases. This problem can occur at any age whether it is a child or an old person. This problem of dry eyes is called ‘Dry Eye Syndrome’. Among the various causes of this disease, one of the main reasons is excessive use of mobile phones.
These are some of the diseases caused by the excessive use of mobile phones, which are individual in nature and can be remedied to some extent, but the social disease caused due to this is very serious. People stay away from the society even while living in the society, but most of them do not even know about their home. Recently there has been an eye-opening report in this regard which shows that social media has destroyed social life. According to the report of the digital consulting firm ‘K Pius’, more than 64 percent of the world’s population is active on social media and ‘wastes’ a lot of their time there. It is increasing by 3.7%. According to the report, out of the world’s 790 crore population, 520 crore people are trapped in the clutches of social media. The word clutch is being used here because most of them are not getting rid of it ‘despite their efforts’.

Interestingly, we Indians are number two in the list of people wasting our time on social media. The first number is China and the third number is America. According to the report, 102 million people in China, 76 million people in India and more than 30 million people in America use social media. As far as time spent on this platform is concerned, our position is above average. Globally, the average time spent using social media is 151 minutes per day, while in India it is 194 minutes or 3 hours and 14 minutes. Similarly, we Indians have an average of more than 6 hours of screen time per day and the majority of them are 18 to 20 year olds. Social media has destroyed social life.

Social media, as the name suggests, is a good thing. If it is used positively, we can benefit a lot with its help and increase our social contact, but unfortunately, social media has become an addiction for most of us. Not only young people but children and old people and even housewives are victims of this addiction. This addiction has eaten away our creativity and made us travelers of fantasy world. The situation is that instead of using social media as a tool, we are using it ourselves. We can easily see its disastrous result in the society and around us. Some of us get so confused in the counting of post likes, shares and comments that we forget our real purpose and our responsibilities. Parents are angry with their children, wives with their husbands, teachers with their students and bosses with their employees. Social media has destroyed social life.

Recently, in a study conducted by Harvard University experts, it was revealed that when a person is busy on social media, a certain part of his brain is also activated. According to experts, this is the same part of the brain that is activated when a person uses drugs. This research shows that it is a kind of addiction and why can one distinguish between good and bad when one is ‘drunk’? This is the reason that we are suffering the consequences of this addiction. Manipur has been burning for three months and thousands of people have become homeless and unemployed in Haryana. The government’s incompetence or its excesses in its place, but it cannot be denied that the fire that broke out in both places was fueled by social media. Some do it under a conspiracy, some fall prey to this conspiracy even out of naivety. Most of us don’t see what’s in the message? How true is it? And what will be its effects on the society, it is forwarded. We do this irresponsible work very responsibly. Social media has destroyed social life.

In this case, even from a cursory review, we can come to the conclusion that with the frequent use of social media:

  1. Our health is affected, on the treatment of which both money and time are wasted.
  2. Our time is wasted, we fail in exams, we lose our jobs, we fall in the eyes of our family and our ‘confidence level’ decreases.
  3. It causes disintegration in the society because we start playing ‘forward forward’ without knowing what the truth is. Social media has destroyed social life.

There is a need for a regular campaign for minimal use of social media and its positive use, in which every individual who considers himself a responsible member of the society should participate. This campaign should be started individually because individual Success itself forms the basis of collective success.

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